
Chiropractic has the ability to improve many types of common illnesses.  Read some of our research below to see how chiropractic helps with each health issue.


For over 100 years Doctors of Chiropractic have said that subluxation causes the body to lose its ability to adapt to the environment and that adjustments restore the bodies natural ability to adapt. However, our detractors have always held that we can’t prove this tenet. Today’s research clearly demonstrates how [...]


Long Term Remission and Alleviation of Symptoms in Allergy and Crohn’s Disease Patients Following Spinal Adjustment for Reduction of Vertebral Subluxations Background: An association between visceral disease and immune dysfunction from sympathetic segmental disturbances secondary to vertebral subluxation has been put forward by chiropractic, osteopathic and medical practitioners. We report [...]


An Impairment Rating Analysis Of Asthmatic Children Under Chiropractic Care A self-reported asthma-related impairment study was conducted on 81 children under chiropractic care. The intent of this study was to quantify self-reported changes in impairment experienced by the pediatric asthmatic subjects, before and after a two month period under chiropractic [...]


Chiropractic treatment has transformed the life of Max Willson and his parents. Christina Hopkinson reports. Quentin Willson is not an obvious advocate of alternative medicine. This is the man, after all, who came to prominence as a presenter on that bastion of blokes, Top Gear, and named his daughters Mercedes [...]

Back Pain

Chronic spinal pain – a randomized clinical trial comparing medication, acupuncture and spinal manipulation. Giles LGF, Muller R. Spine 2003;28:1490-1503. Three groups of patients with back pain were given a nine week course of care using medicine, acupuncture or chiropractic care. The results showed a significantly higher number of satisfied [...]

Benefits of Pediatric Chiropractic Care: Improving Your Child’s Health and Well-Being

Benefits of Pediatric Chiropractic Care: Improving Your Child's Health and Well-Being Pediatric chiropractic care is becoming increasingly popular among parents seeking non-invasive and drug-free healthcare options for their children. Chiropractic care focuses on the relationship between the spine and nervous system and how misalignments in the spine can affect overall [...]

Blood Pressure

Latest findings show Chiropractic can help reduce blood pressure More than 3.6 million Australians over the age of 25 have high blood pressure or are on medication for the condition, but findings recently released by the Chiropractors’ association of Australia indicate there is a non-drug alternative that can lower abnormal [...]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Today just about everyone can be affected, but particularly people involved in occupations or leisure activities that require repetitive use of the hands and wrists (i.e., office, skilled labor jobs, tennis, golf or even knitting). Medical doctors commonly prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, which prove ineffective in most patients and cause adverse [...]


The National Health Service in Ballerup (Copenhagen, Denmark) conducted a study involving 50 infants with diagnoses infantile colic. Half of the group was given the drug dimethicon while the other half was given chiropractic care. In this study nine of the 25 taking the drug dropped out of the study [...]

Digestive Problems

Researchers Discover Possible Link Between Crohn’s Disease and Spinal Problems According to a recent study, researchers in Japan say there is a possible link between Crohn’s disease and interference to the nervous system from spinal misalignments. The research was published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research and grew out [...]

Ear Infections

In the October 1998 issue of the Ladies Home Journal appeared an article entitled, “Chiropractic Adjustments for Chronic Ear Infections.” This article reviewed several studies showing the effectiveness of chiropractic care for preventing re-occurring ear infections known as Otitis Media or OM. According to the article, reoccurring ear infections account [...]


What is FMS according to medical science? FMS is a chronic (i.e. long standing) condition. The patient has muscular pain and tenderness throughout the body and frequently other symptoms like sleep disturbances, fatigue, hearing disturbances, muscle twitches, cold extremities, headaches & migraines, TMJ syndrome and blurred vision. For a [...]


CHIROPRACTIC STUDIES Headaches Helped by Chiropractic Says Research In the September 2001 issue of the Journal of Manipulative and Physio logical Therapeutics was a report on the effectiveness of chiropractic care, specifically labeled “SMT” in the study, for patients with chronic headaches. The data for this report was gathered from [...]


Chiropractic HIV and AIDS The goal of chiropractic care is to free patients from vertebral subluxations, a serious interference to life and health. Releasing subluxations permits the body to work more efficiently. Research studies are increasingly revealing that the addressing of “subluxations” has a beneficial effect on many levels of [...]

Immune System

Enhanced Phagocytic Cell respiratory Burst Induced by Spinal Manipulation. JMPT 1991:14:399-408. This study was designed to measure the effect that a Chiropractic adjustment has on the immune system. Blood was taken from each of the patients 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after the adjustment. These results were compared to [...]


Successful In Vitro Fertilization in a Poor Responder While Under Network Spinal Analysis Care: A Case Report Senzon SA, J Vertebral Subluxation Research September 14, 2003, pp 1-6. This case report describes the successful in vitro fertilization (IVF) of a 34 year old female who had one previous aborted In [...]

Leg Length

Purpose: To determine if there is an association between a test commonly used by chiropractors as a sign of subluxation/joint dysfunction – supine leg length alignment (LLA) asymmetry – and health-related quality of life as measured by the SF-12 questionnaire, in a non-clinical population. Design: Volunteers answered the SF-12 and [...]

Menstrual Health

Menstrual Health and PMS The female sex organs all need a healthy nerve supply from the spinal cord to function properly. Is Chiropractic able to help me with PMS? Yes! Many women who have suffered from a wide variety of pain, PMS, bladder, bowel cramps; sexual dysfunctions, including infertility, have [...]

Neck Pain

CHIROPRACTIC STUDIES Cervical mobilization: concurrent effects on pain, sympathetic nervous system activity and motor activity. Sterling M, Jull G, Wright A. Man Ther (Manual Medicine) 2001;6(2):72-81. In this paper, 30 patients with middle or lower neck (cervical) pain had “spinal manipulative therapy” (SMT) and their pain reduced after care. Spinal [...]


Chiropractic Studies It is a common observation that birthing seems to be more comfortable for women who were under chiropractic care during pregnancy. The following studies mention how common spinal problems are resolved during pregnancy (up to 90%) and best of all how Chiropractic is safe, effective and most of [...]

Prenatal and Pregnancy Chiropractic Care in Owasso, OK (Your Complete Guide – 2022)

The vast majority of pregnant women experience some pain in the pelvic and lower back regions during their pregnancy. According to one study, approximately half of all pregnant women develop back pain before giving birth to their babies. Unfortunately, a group of these patients develops debilitating pain that forces [...]


Non-operative treatments for sciatica: a pilot study for a randomized clinical trial. Bronfort G, Evans RL, Anderson AV et al. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics October 2000, Vol. 23 No. 8. This is a prospective, observer-blinded, pilot randomized clinical trial of 20 patients aged 20-65 with low back-related leg [...]


How Big of a Role Does Stress Play in Your Overall Level of Health? Chiropractic understands that stress, whether it be physical, chemical or emotional in nature. Stress affects the body’s ability to properly function and leads to poor health from the affects of subluxation. More and more research keeps [...]


Monday: 10-12pm & 3-6pm
Tuesday: 3-6:00pm
Wednesday: 10-12pm & 3-6pm
Thursday: 10-12pm & 3-6:00pm
Friday-Sunday: Closed

11560 N 135th East Ave #104
Owasso, OK 74055


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